Build to Reach resources C3 Church Ryde’s ability to reach and build beyond ourselves.
This giving is above our weekly worship giving (tithing) and gleaning (giving smaller amounts to the poor and those in need). It is giving that focuses on extending the Kingdom work of the Lord. This giving includes paying off borrowed funds for our church building in Ryde – and other buildings we will need to purchase for our church plants. These buildings and ministries are at the core of reaching our local and global community and leaving a permanent Christian heritage for future generations to reach people.
The following pages list all the activities that Build to Reach giving funds, but as always, for us the greatest importance is the love that is expressed in your giving.
“For what counts is faith expressing itself through love” (Gal 5:6) – it is the love of God that motivates us to give.
Areas that Build to Reach Funds
– RCI (Reach Community Initiatives)
– High School Outreach
– Primary School Outreach
– Scripture in Schools
– C3 Cares
– Community Dinners
– Emergency Food Parcel
– Christmas Outreach
– Single Mums’ High Tea
– From Depression to Hope Groups
– Loss & Grief Groups
– Money Management Courses
Regions for Overseas Missions, Church Planting
– Australia
– Europe
– Asia Pacific
– Middle East
– Central Asia
– Asia
– Northern Africa
The C3 Ryde Building – 89 Blaxland Road.
– Loan Repayment
– Continued Improvements
How To Get Involved
Prayerfully consider the amount of giving that is appropriate for you.
This should be your first step in becoming involved in partnering with Build to Reach. Pray for both faith and wisdom
in making your decision.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God
loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7 [NLT]
Make your commitment to the Build to Reach Foundation.
In June, you will have an opportunity to complete a commitment card during the services. Alternatively, if you are
unable to attend church, you can obtain a commitment card anytime from the Church Office.
Consider how you will fulfil your commitment.
You will have several options available to you:
Make a regular weekly or monthly contribution over the year, or one lump sum before June 2018. Regular giving
can be easier to manage, is rewarding and quickly builds up over time, as you can see below:
$20 week = $86 month = $1,040 year
$80 week = $346 month = $4,160 year
$300 week = $1,300 month = $15,000 year
$1,000 week = $4,332 month = $52,000 year
Paul suggested to the early church:
“… Each of you should put aside some amount of money in relation to what you have earned and save it for
this offering. Don’t wait until I get there and try to do it all once.” – 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 [NLT]
Regularly pray into your commitment.
Place your statement of commitment in a place where you and your family can see it and pray regularly for it.
Account Information
At this stage of the church’s journey we want to encourage you to be focused in your giving as we move toward paying down our borrowings as quickly as possible, as well as facilitating local and global missions. The main way to do this is via The Build to Reach Centre. You can give in the following ways:
In order to give toward Build to Reach you can make your donation to:
The Build to Reach Centre
BSB: 062 281
Account #: 10282425
Please note your full name in the memo field.
Give online here, or download the C3 Church Ryde app and select ‘Give to Build To Reach’.
Please note your full name in the memo field.
Alternatively you can fill out your credit card details on a Build to Reach Offering envelope (these are found in the church info area), this can be put in with the tithes and offerings or handed in at the church reception.
If you wish to give cash, you can do so by filling out your details on a Build to Reach Offering envelope and tick the cash box. This can also be put in with the tithes and offerings or handed in at the church reception.
Please Note: Due to changes to the tax ruling, most of the activities of Build to Reach are not tax deductible, such as building works and fitout, church planting, evangelistic work and overseas missions.
However, if you do require a tax deductible receipt you can give to Reach Community Initiatives, our community care arm, which has aspects that fit the criteria for tax deductibility.
To give to this you can make your donation to:
Reach Community Initiatives
BSB: 062 320
Account #: 1020 0404
Please note your full name in the memo field.
You can also give to Reach Community Initiatives via credit card giving and cash as above.
For further information regarding giving to Build To Reach, please contact our office on (02) 9086 6900.