Child Safety
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
C3 Church Rouse Hill is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children. We have a zero tolerance approach to child abuse, and are committed to ensuring a safe environment for children in all our programs and activities.
We value and uphold the rights of children and young people to feel safe and be safe. Their best interests, opinions and concerns are listened to, as their protection from harm is paramount.
We seek to incorporate their views, as well as their families’ and the communities, in order to develop a safe place for them.
Our approach to preventing harm is embedded in all our policies and procedures, and we are committed to a culture of child safety. We work with our staff and volunteers to ensure they are trained and supported to have the knowledge and skills to be child safe, and ensure they are aware of how to make a report if they suspect child abuse.
We have procedures in place to report suspected abuse, neglect or mistreatment of children promptly and lawfully to the appropriate authorities, and if there is an observed breach of our Code of Conduct.
We are committed to supporting the diverse circumstances of all children and young people in our church, including First Nations children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as an inclusive environment for those with disabilities.
If you are a volunteer or parent, click here for some more in depth resources on Child Safety.