Our purpose at C3 Church Rouse Hill is to fulfil the Great Commission – to make disciples of Jesus. We do this by:

– REACHING people who don’t know Jesus;

– CONNECTING people into the life of the Church (the Body of Christ); and

– BUILDING people up to live the life Jesus has called them to.


To help us achieve our purpose, we pray as a church for:

– Locals to become friends (REACH);

– Friends to become family (CONNECT); and for our

– Family to become mature followers of Jesus (BUILD).


Becoming a mature follower of Jesus is a process that requires taking steps. Our desire is to help people identify where they’re at in their journey with Jesus and help them take their “next step”.

Our NEXT STEPS course focuses on 5 key parts of this process, as we aim to help people:

Learn how to walk and talk with God on a daily basis. Discover the need we all have, to ask Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour, as well as the importance of becoming a part of His Body – the local church. Seek God in order to know His: Character; Voice; Presence; as well as His plans and purposes.

Learn how to overcome the power of sin and cast aside those bad habits, attitudes and behaviours that hurt us, as well as those around us. Learn how to embrace the new life God created you for. Discover God’s way of making you right with Him and learn how to become a person of godly character and influence that impacts the world around you.

Learn how to identify and grow your spiritual gifts. Discover how your personality and gifting point to your purpose in life, and how they help you to find your best fit when serving the local church, your community and your workplace. Specifically, seek God in order to: discover your spiritual gifts (renounce ignorance); develop your spiritual gifts (renounce insecurity); protect your spiritual gifts (avoid injury); and ask for more spiritual gifts (renounce indifference).

Learn how to become a faithful steward of that which God has entrusted you with. Discover different ways to partner financially with God and the local church, and come to know the blessings that are poured out on those who choose to live a life of radical generosity. Specifically, seek God in order to discover how giving helps to: dethrone the idol of money; break off selfishness and greed; form a spiritual discipline in our lives that builds the local church; and release God’s blessing over our lives!

Learn how to engage with the mission that Jesus gave us all – making disciples. Discover the importance of building relationships when it comes to leading others into a life of following Jesus, as well as the power that God has made available to those who intentionally live their lives to see His kingdom come, His will be done and His Church be built here on earth. Come to understand the importance of: accepting personal responsibility; building purposeful relationships; sharing your testimony; and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit!


We value the written and spoken word of God – The Bible and the voice of the Holy Spirit. There is no person, ability or resource as powerful to change the human heart as the anointed word of God, and yet it is the Holy Spirit who helps us to read, understand and apply the Word of God to our lives. We don’t just want to learn about God, we want to encounter Him!

As individuals, we embrace the transformative process of being changed into the image of Jesus. We desire to walk and talk more and more like Him every day. As a church, we change so that we remain relevant. Our worship, speaking and preaching style is current so we can connect with people. Our structures are flexible and dynamic to serve the growth of the church. We also desire to be innovative agents of change in the world we live in.

We believe in people, valuing and developing the God-dream in each person. We create contexts for these God-dreams to be drawn out and developed through relationships and training. Our role is to help others discern their God dream and release them to where they can be most fruitful, while staying connected to them for their progress and joy in the faith.

Generosity is at the core of who God is. For God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son. God gave us His all. Our worship-filled response is to give everything back to Him – for His glory and the building of His kingdom here on earth. We believe in the practice of tithing and we aim to give above and beyond it, with regular offerings, supporting the growth of the local and global church.

Every follower of Christ has been called to the ministry of reconciliation – God makes His appeal to the world through us! The word minister means servant, so we look for opportunities to serve our local community, just like Jesus did. We pray for opportunities to share the gospel and our testimonies, as well as invite people to church, so that they too might encounter God like we have.


We seek God personally by reading our Bibles and talking to Him in prayer and fasting. We seek God together by regularly attending church and connect groups.

When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, either through the Bible or other followers of Jesus, we repent. We don’t make excuses. We don’t blame other people. We take responsibility and we change our minds, our attitudes, our behaviours and our actions, walking towards Jesus and away from sin.

We use our God-given gifts to serve others, not just ourselves. We serve on teams at church and we look for ways to serve our family, friends and community during the week.

We are committed to living generous lives and giving to the vision of reaching, connecting and building people. We do this by giving regular tithes and offerings to church, as well as our time, efforts and resources to bless the broader community.

We invite people to follow us as we follow Jesus. We invite people into our homes and into conversations about Jesus. We invite people to church where they can hear the gospel and meet a community of people who will love them and help them to live their best life with Jesus.


We are part of C3 Church Global, founded and lead by Phil & Chris Pringle.

C3 Church is an international movement of local churches characterised by bright, enthusiastic, culturally relevant services with a message of faith, hope and love. C3 Church Rouse Hill is one of many churches in the C3 movement in Sydney. We are a church that is modern in practice and traditional in belief. We believe what is summarised in the Nicene and Apostle’s creeds and what mainstream Christian churches accept as foundational to Christian faith.

C3 is planting and building churches where it is easy for people to connect with Jesus and one another. We have people from many church backgrounds, Protestant and Catholic, and also many nationalities. We have mum’s and dad’s, business people, sports people, artists, musicians, doctors, students, and trades people – young, old, single and married, homemakers and company directors. We are a wonderful tapestry of humanity making up a fabulous community that will enlarge and enrich your life – a wonderful mix of people.

We understand the stages of life people experience and adapt to those stages having ministries for kids, youth, young adults, men, women, singles, married couples, small groups, large events, training, C3 Bible College, as well as missions here in Australia and overseas. At the heart of the church we have our amazing Connect Groups, where people meet to pray, study the Bible and form great relationships.

(Pastor Phil’s Blog – http://philpringle.com/ )

C3 Church exists to connect people to God. The church is full of people who have discovered an incredible richness of life that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Contrary to a view held by many people, God is not dreary, depressed or weak. Rather He is vibrant, joyful and powerful. His presence should always give rise to a sense of excitement and a fullness of spirit.This understanding of God is reflected in the enthusiastic and upbeat nature of our church services. Jesus said that He came to earth that we might have a life of abundance (John 10:10).

Every time we come together to worship God we are celebrating what Jesus has done for us. C3 Church has congregations around the world that are bright, enthusiastic and relevant. Our message is one of faith, hope and love. We have a united vision to build the church by connecting people to God, connecting people to people and also empowering people for effective, joyful service. Come visit a C3 Church today and live Your Best Life!